This public service web site made possible by the newspapers of Utah at no additional cost to the taxpayers was launched in 2008 and relaunched with updated functionality and search capabilities in 2017 is a compilation of public notices published throughout Utah. All foreclosures, hearings, advertisements for bids, financial reports, ordinances and information about other government, business and judicial activities that are legally required to be published are found here.
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The legal notices that appear on this web site are available to utahlegals.com users at no charge and were originally published in Utah newspapers, the trusted source for all community information.
If you are interested in one of our many customized features, such as having a compilation of specific notices delivered to you on a daily basis, please contact us for a low price quote.
During our transition; if you are looking for notices not found on this site, you may access our old site at oldsite.utahlegals.com. Thank You.
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